emailing me and leaving messages on my myspace account. When I block her, she creates a new account. This has been going on for months. She doesn't really say anything incriminating, but she will tell me to look at her profile. When I do there are pictures of them together. I really don't care that they are dating. We have been divorced for over two years. I have tried everything I can think of changing email, blocking her on myspace and changing my account. Nothing works. Thank goodness I haven't run into her lately. Suggestions on how to make her stop and any reasons why she may be doing this. My ex and I have had no contact since the divorce. Also, should I be worried? We live in the same town. Thanks.
An Ex co-worker of mine has started dating my ex-husband, and she keeps?
Whoop her a s s.
An Ex co-worker of mine has started dating my ex-husband, and she keeps?
Quit looking at her profile. Do not ever answer her messages. Eventually she will get tired of it and give up if she knows it's not affecting you.
An Ex co-worker of mine has started dating my ex-husband, and she keeps?
Stop using myspace. Stop giving out too much personal info on your email address or handle. You are leaving way too many hints to your identity if she is able to locate you so easily. If you really wanted to disappear, you could.
An Ex co-worker of mine has started dating my ex-husband, and she keeps?
An Ex co-worker of mine has started dating my ex-husband, and she keeps?
shes insecure and because of that shes worried ur ex will want you back he must ask about you or something just ignore her and if that dos'nt work u might be worried she just might be a stalker or a bifeamale trying to get your attention hope this helps good luck
An Ex co-worker of mine has started dating my ex-husband, and she keeps?
you could try emailing admin at my space and tell them your being stalked or tell her your going to file stalking charges against her. your ex is probably behind it either way. Tell her to just grow up ! Or you could just not go to myspace at all. She sounds like a stalker to me I would look into that. I wish you the best.
An Ex co-worker of mine has started dating my ex-husband, and she keeps?
Set your profile to private, block her emails, delete anything htat comes through, without reading it. She has issues.
An Ex co-worker of mine has started dating my ex-husband, and she keeps?
Even though you have had no contact with your ex-husband for two years, it may be time to call him up and let him know what she is doing. Save proof of what she is doing and show it to him if he doesn't believe you.
An Ex co-worker of mine has started dating my ex-husband, and she keeps?
it bothers you even tough you say you don't care thats why you are on here about it, i say ignore it, don't look at myspace and get on with your life and fina a hot guy
An Ex co-worker of mine has started dating my ex-husband, and she keeps?
The main reason I find when women tell other women that I'm dating your ex is that they are jealous. Possible your ex's said "oh my ex's is a really good cook or she is so level headed" or one of a hundred things. I'm sure since you used to work together he has brought it up. So she is e-mailing you as a "I've got him now". However, your in the I don't care field.
I hate to say this again but you may have to change your e mail again. However, this time don't forward anything to anyone that you do not truth. She is getting your e mail some way.
Also, she has to know that it doesn't bother you about the dating. You say that you live in a small town. What you might consider is taking a photo that she has sent you and putting it up at the local store, gym, movie, anyplace where there is a bulletin board with the words "couple of the week" in red marker. Someone is going to see it. Friends of her or his, some may take it down but other may just have a laugh and tell him/her about it. And that is what you want as soon as the focus is entirely on her I think she will stop her photo sending. Good Luck.
An Ex co-worker of mine has started dating my ex-husband, and she keeps?
try not answering her email just delete without opening don't go to her my space she is being very childish if she knows that you don't care i bet she will stop
An Ex co-worker of mine has started dating my ex-husband, and she keeps?
She sounds like a freaking nut-job.
You have my sympathies.
Or, you can be really evil and post all kinds of stuff on your myspace like:
Those freaky little games you and your ex used to play in bed...
All about how he would paint you in chocolate, and lick it off slowly....
or you can gloat about the children you too have together (If you have kids)...the new woman ALWAYS gets jealous at that!
Use your imagination! TWO CAN PLAY THE SAME BS GAMES!!! Get into HER head!
An Ex co-worker of mine has started dating my ex-husband, and she keeps?
Report her to myspace?
An Ex co-worker of mine has started dating my ex-husband, and she keeps?
My advice, don't stoop to her level. She is obviously trying to get your attention any way possible Don't give into that. Don't contact your ex.. I think this is what she is trying to accomplish.. see if you will contact him and complain. Save some of the things she sent you for future reference.. I have a feeling you will need it.
Don't show her that you are bothered... ignore her messages that will bug her even more. Best of Luck :)
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