Monday, December 28, 2009

Transgender Question: Colorado Springs, CO: Doctors/Surgery/Hormones?

Last year I was dismissed from military service under the diagnosis of transgenderism and that my attempts to cope were failing. At this point I mean to act upon rectifying my biological predisposition so that I can become as close to a biological female as possible, but I have run into many obstacles. Namely: I have neither car, nor great amount of money.

I need to find a doctor who will prescribe me hormones here and now and without condition and or I need to find a surgeon within the Colorado Springs area who can perform an Orchiectomy (castration) here and now and without condition. Ultimately, it is my desire to have the Sexual Reassignment Surgery (SRS) but for the meanwhile, as I cannot afford it, and I am also aware that many conditions must apply when comes the time, I must settle with the simpler and more cost effective approach.

Any and all help/assistance is greatly appreciated. email or myspace me at: or


Transgender Question: Colorado Springs, CO: Doctors/Surgery/Hormones?

Dr. Marci Bowers in Trinidad does orchiectomies. Since you don't have a car, you might like to know that Greyhound does run from Colorado Springs to Trinidad. I had SRS with her last year, I flew into Colorado Springs and took the bus to Trinidad. Her office may be able to refer you to an endocrinologist in Colorado Springs as well.

Transgender Question: Colorado Springs, CO: Doctors/Surgery/Hormones?

The largest number of surgeons that provide srs are in the Trinidad area of Colorado. You might search there since your are close, if you live in Colorado Springs.

Best of luck

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