Sunday, December 6, 2009

Would you buy, and how could I improve my product?

I few weeks ago i started designing my own light switch covers. My apartment was really dull and Im not allowed to paint. My girlfriend saw them and took a few to work to show her co-workers, and they asked to buy some. Below is the address where you can check them out. Right now it's in the development stage, so the ones you see were done with paper, duct tape, a pencil and a sharpie. Let me know what you think, how much you would pay (if you wanted one) and how i could improve them. Thank you very much. (A struggling student trying to make some extra cash).

Would you buy, and how could I improve my product?

Can't see the pictures when the account is set to private.

Would you buy, and how could I improve my product?

Still private! Can't see it...

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