Ok for starters I work at a family restaurant. This new gay trainee co-worker he training to be a server %26amp; he is friendly. An ex co-worker that I use to know he offer his boyfriend to the job. Ok at work, me %26amp; the server trainee we were talking %26amp; we were just talking general. He told me that he check %26amp; read my myspace profile. I was thinking "what the hell"? Then when I got home from work late %26amp; I check my e-mails, he (request me as my friend) in myspace already? I except him. Then later he send me this:
"yes, i want to see the long hair too!!! unless you want me to do the photography for you!!?? lets see, some black nail polish, army pants, combat boots, and some tsai's and your ready to kick ***!"
What should I do %26amp; how do I do it on professional way? I do NOT know this weirdo gay guy! Thanks everyone!
This new gay co-worker is he a freak or a weirdo? He also send me a message in myspace at 2:35 a.m.? WHAT!?
two words
At work, keep conversations casual and only when you have to talk to him. Obviously he freaked you out. Give him the ques you don't 'swing that way'. If he don't get the hint, I think you know what to do next....
good luck~
This new gay co-worker is he a freak or a weirdo? He also send me a message in myspace at 2:35 a.m.? WHAT!?
it's punanI, not punanY
This new gay co-worker is he a freak or a weirdo? He also send me a message in myspace at 2:35 a.m.? WHAT!?
Just be polite and tell him that while you respect his right to be gay, that you are definitely straight and wouldn't want him to waste his time as he won't get anywhere with you. I did laugh at your question about the punany, as that's what my son of 25 calls it, so I had a good laugh. Thanks for that!! Hope it works out okay for you.
This new gay co-worker is he a freak or a weirdo? He also send me a message in myspace at 2:35 a.m.? WHAT!?
Learn to write, learn to spell and learn to play nicely with others and maybe one day you can have proper adult friendships.
Then maybe you'll realise that friendliness isn't a come on and homophobia is as bad as racism or any other type of bigotry.
This new gay co-worker is he a freak or a weirdo? He also send me a message in myspace at 2:35 a.m.? WHAT!?
First off, I don't know about your myspace site and why he felt compelled to write what he wrote -- probably based on what he saw in your site. Second, if you felt weird about him talking you up, then why click accept on his request? Third, who cares if you love being with girls? Yelling online in all caps tells me that you are feeling insecure about your sexuality and care too much about what outsiders think.
In the end, only you can decide what's going to work for you. And if you are not comfortable dealing with a gay person, be honest, and say you are not comfortable and want him to back off -- and take him OFF your myspace page unless you are desperate for "friends" for your list. Sheesh.
This new gay co-worker is he a freak or a weirdo? He also send me a message in myspace at 2:35 a.m.? WHAT!?
look i understand you say your straight , but you know the difference between a straight guy and a bi guy? about 4 beers! why not give some bum fun a whirl you may like it, do him hard and dry and he may never forgive you and leave you alone in future!
This new gay co-worker is he a freak or a weirdo? He also send me a message in myspace at 2:35 a.m.? WHAT!?
This is time for you to be the bigger person and to end this stupidness.
You must end contact with this person's myspace, this is how he is getting to you mostly. Be mature and block him and delete messages so that you do not need to be reminded of this.
Second, avoid him at work if you need to. Don't be all dramatic and toolish by going "Oh how could you ?!" Talk to him, a little chat but try and not develop a friendship or anything else because eventually he will give up on you move onto somebody else and you can get on with your life.
Best of Luck.
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