My friend's 16 yr old daughter is running with a rough crowd,smoking cigarettes(she lost an aunt,and grandmother to cancer),on myspace all the time,and very inmature.Her mother is a co-worker of mine, a good christian lady,and a close friend.Should I tell her what her daughter is doing?
Would you tell,or keep it to yourself?
i have a 15 year old son, and if you were my friend i would want to know.
Would you tell,or keep it to yourself?
Mind your Bizz!
Would you tell,or keep it to yourself?
keep it to yourself. It's none of your business.
Would you tell,or keep it to yourself?
Yes. You should tell her.
Would you tell,or keep it to yourself?
um yeah say somthing. If it was your daughter you would want to know right.
Would you tell,or keep it to yourself?
Yes. But she likely knows it already.
Would you tell,or keep it to yourself?
the girl is 16, you could end up saving her life, TELL!!!
Would you tell,or keep it to yourself?
Is there any way you could speak to the girl first and let her know you are concerned. Maybe that way you could help support her but let her know that in no way will you keep quiet while she continues to hurt herself. But if you go behind her back without discussing it with her first she may feel betrayed.
Would you tell,or keep it to yourself?
up to you Mrs.Brady
Would you tell,or keep it to yourself?
tell the world
Would you tell,or keep it to yourself?
If you don't let her mother know she won't find out until it's too late. Theres nothing wrong with smoking, even pot isn't that bad, but some drugs like Meth are likely to cause irreversible damage. Do the right thing and let her know.
Would you tell,or keep it to yourself?
I would tell her. She has every right to know what her daughter is doing in her spare time. If my child were doing things like that, I would want to know A.S.A.P. I think you should just gradually tell her, and don't blunt, just let her know what you have noticed.
Would you tell,or keep it to yourself?
well...telling would b the rite thing to do, but i know if i were in ur situation, i would probaly keep quiet. do the right thing, but like the old saying goes "easier said than done!"
Would you tell,or keep it to yourself?
Yes I believe you should mention it to her. Maybe her mom does not know what is going on!
Would you tell,or keep it to yourself?
first off how old are you? second, you should tell. at first it seems like a bad idea but some people fall down a slippery slope and its not a pretty sight. by the way you may lose trust with the daughter, for a real long time. maybe until shes older and can forget about it.
Would you tell,or keep it to yourself?
Drop a hint. But be subtle.
Would you tell,or keep it to yourself?
OH NO We lost another one to myspace, oh the horror. 16 and immature _ what is the world coming to. Sounds like a regular teenager to me.
Would you tell,or keep it to yourself?
Ummm yes you should i mean wouldnt you want you friend to tell you what your 16 year old daughter was doing if you were oblivous
Would you tell,or keep it to yourself?
let her know.But don't let her know its you.It could be a sticky situation if you told her to her face.Be there to answer any questions if she askes you
Would you tell,or keep it to yourself?
stop acting like a kid and act like a adult you know what you should do, what would u do if the tables were turned
Would you tell,or keep it to yourself?
Not to sound like a stool pigeon, but I'd tell. I'd just try to tell the mother slowly, because if she trusts her daughter, she might not believe you at first. However, if you really do care for the mother/daughter pair, I'd tell, because the chick is going to get into some serious trouble soon if she doesn't shape up a bit. As they say, "a stitch in time saves nine." If you're want to help make the situation better, better do it now when the girl might still have a turn back chance. If she gets into crowds and "rougher" she could end up in situations pretty much beyond fixing point. Try at least letting the mom know what's going on. Parents should always know, after all, it's their responsibility.
Would you tell,or keep it to yourself?
tough call. She is only a co-worker? How close are you. You don't want to tell her how to raise her child, and you cant exactly interfere with the child directly. Is there anyway you can set up the conversation so that she can figure it out herself. Or mistakingly say something. Unless there is a direct concern for the girls safety, but teens are teens. And is there any possibility that the mother knows but is hiding it from herself. Its touchy, but it is good that you care. If it was your kid, would you like her to tell you?
Would you tell,or keep it to yourself?
You should absolutely tell your friend.
Would you tell,or keep it to yourself?
To the people saying that it is none of his bussines SHUT UP !!!
It s the way that you do it that is the HARD part could approach the girl first ...but as she is 16 I would stay away .....
you need to tell the Mother ...but at the same time ..doont just leave her withthe information ....since you are making it your business you have to help .....and inittially that will be do make sure herr Mother uses the information to the daughters advantage ... So what I am saying is that it will still remain a secret but now her mother will be in on it and can make better desicions on how to handle her daughter ...........
Would you tell,or keep it to yourself?
YES AND IMMEDIATELY. if not the girl will end up in jail and have a really bad start in life on her own. don't tell the person's mother like straight out. kind of ask her did she know what her daughter is doing, what has the daughter been doing lately,etc. and if she hasn't mentioned it, ( even though i know she won't mention it if she did know.) then you need to tell her that you caught her smoking, and hanging out with a gang that she shouldn't be in. but the daughter didn't see you, and that you don't want her to know that you was the one that told the mother. hopefully it won't be too bad. Good Luck.
Would you tell,or keep it to yourself?
You gotta tell be4 it's too late!!
Would you tell,or keep it to yourself?
At sixteen, you're expected to be immature...the nature of the beast. How close are you and her Mom? What is there to gain from telling your coworker? Is her daughter endangering herself in any way, or just being a teenager? If there's no damage being done, let it go...everyone has their phases and their own ways of dealing with life. At sixteen, life's bumps and bruises will start coming on their own, so I wouldn't go throwing any boulders in her path. I would only say something in the event of something serious that may be prevented by opening up about it.
Would you tell,or keep it to yourself?
you must say to your friend:
"I want to talk to you about something. It concerns your daughter. I would like to tell you what I know to be true, and then I will not discuss it again unless you ask me."
Would you tell,or keep it to yourself?
ultimately would you want to know if it was your daughter?? personally i would tell her if she doesnt already know she should
Would you tell,or keep it to yourself?
What are close friends for if they can't discuss things? Would she rather the police told her? Probably nothing anyone can do, the kid's friends are in control. Sure be nice if they could move. Sounds like the mother needs assistance from someone. Don't give more than they want. I suggest you take the girl somewhere useful, like a free real estate or stock market seminar where there are positive people. Get her nails done for her if she will go. Look sharp and hang around the tables so you can talk to people. Talk won't get you far, someone has to open a wiser, more productive avenue for her. Good luck.
Would you tell,or keep it to yourself?
You should tell her, be straight up, u wouldnt like any of this to happen to your sons right?
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