So a few months ago I made a new friend, lets call her Jen. At first we seemed like twins, everything EXACTLY alike exept our looks. Then when school started her friends I guess got jealous and started spreading rumors about me trashing Jen. (So not true). She soon started calling me a liar %26amp; putting words in my mouth just to pick fights. I always tried to reason with her, %26amp; she would never agree with anything I said. On Myspace she started spamming me along with her friends, %26amp; she also started to ruin my social life in school. I now have 5% of the friends I had before, because according to Jen and co, Im a liar, a trashtalker, %26amp; a bad friend. Her actions have been so damaging, I have actually CRIED (privately) of the pain she has caused me. I now have found out that she spread rumors about me when we were still friends. Today I was doing a survey on myspace that asked if I have any enemies, %26amp; I think that enemies are a 2 way thing, so I said no. She messaged me saying that I have many
Can SOMEBODY help me with this horrible situation?
If all else fails you can take legal action - electronic bullying is still bullying - and that in itself is a criminal offence. your mother is right in saying to ignore her - if you let a person such as that govern your life then she has won and achieved what she set out to do. Ignore her and she automatically loses ... you become the better person and there is nothing she can do to change that.
If you lost that many 'friends' because of what she was saying then I would suggest that they were not really friends to you at all - just people hanging around and draining you or who you are.
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get down to the main person. it may sound hard but go to jen and talk to her and tell her that it sucks what is happening and that you have to get everything off of yout chest and clear the table. but truly it sucks to have a situation like that, but the best is to just stick it out there and get to jen on a one on one basis because it looks like shes getting her power form her friends
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So don't open her messages on My Space. Just because someone sends you a message doesn't mean you HAVE to read it. You are causing alot of your own suffering and drama yourself. There is an easy solution but you refuse to use it.
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Confront her and tell her what you feel about her spreading this rumor about her. Its always good to be truthful in any relationship. Tell her that you still consider her as a friend and will not take anything against her after all what she has done to you.
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Just act like nothing bothers u and dont take their crap and wen u get home u can cry
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honestly if you live your life based on what people say about you than you really wont be able to live life period. you really cant call anybody your friend because no matter what people are going to talk about you whether good or bad. but especially in school it is a big social gathering everybody talks about you. when i was in high school my senior year i sat all alone at a table by myself because i didnt want to deal with it any more. because in the outcome of all of this you will be fighting over words. keep being you **** everybody else.
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I had something like this happen to me. What I did, was ignore the person that was giving me trouble and go to the group of friends that weren't dissing me. I think you should do the same, or maybe try and go and talk to jen and ask her why she's being such a childish loser. Okay, don't use those words, but just ask her what's her deal?
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Love your enemies it makes them mad!
Hee hee! Just kidding!
In a more serious sense, it's not worth worrying about.
The 5% of friends you have are the ones who truly know who you are. I'm not saying ignore her because that's not how these things work. But don't also add to it by trying to reason with someone who has no capability of being rational. Choose your friends wisely, and be grateful you met you know what to do next time.
Start with a few good friends then work from there. She can't ruin your social life unless you let her. Stick with the people who stand by you. If you've got them, you can handle anything.
Best of luck!
~ Callie
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the best thing to do is to just leave her alone block her and her friends from you myspace email and every thing else but never back down always defend yourself when your respect is in question if people ask you about the situation tell them the truth and let them be the judge its too many good friends out her to be pressed over snakes like that
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She is not your friend and never was. If she were a close friend, she would know you well enough to know you wouldnt do that.
Your mom is right. Just sit back and let things ride. If she doesnt get a reaction from you, it will blow over quickly. Whatever you do, do not say one bad word about her, even though she is hurting you terribly. Be the bigger person and just move on.
P.S. A few prayers about this situation may not hurt either. I just said a prayer for you. Good luck.
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Oh, Summer, I'm so sorry that you have found that "friends" can so quickly turn to enemies. Jen is a very insecure person and is easily led by people who have nothing better to do than cause trouble. Here are some damage control steps:
1. Get a new ID on myspace. Do not allow Jen to post to your site...or her friends. Do not use a pic for at least six months.
2. Go to your counselor at school and let her know what is happening. Ask for a change of schedule if possible to minimize running into this little stinker.
3. Treat the friends who have stuck by you like the treasures that they are.
4. Go get your hair and make up done really nicely to help your ego.
5. Get into a youth group at church. You will meet more friends who will be much easier to relate to and enjoy.
6. Don't EVER let 'em see you cry!! They are like sharks and will scent blood and come after you all the worse!!
God bless you, Darlin' -- and keep your chin up!!
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I had the same problem when I was a freshman back in tha day, me and her fought for three years straight..she kept spreading rumors and she tried to jump me numerous of times even when I was pregnant with my now two year old son.. If I could go back in time and do it all over again, I would stand up to her and let her know that she is being childish and immature and that if she wants to believe what a bunch of people say than that's on her... just tell her to get over herself and leave you the **** alone otherwise she will not quite bothering you and making your life miserable...
Trust me, I had that same problem and I ended up have to change schools, then she followed me to that school, eventually I dropped out because of all the drama she caused me and it ruined my whole high school experience..
You need to put your foot down and let her know to keep her mouth shut and dont listen to what other people say because they just want to see a fight...
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this must be hard for you, btu if she can do such things to you then she was never a true friend to begin with, and if you're other so called friends stop beign you're friends over somethign that someone else said then they where never you're true friends at all. You're real will stick by you, so in a case this helped you find out who you're real friends are.
Now my advice to you is: go to Jen and talk to her. I know this must be hard to do but this has to end, her pathetic ways have to stop. Tell her that you have no idea who started those rumors but it wasnt you. And tell her that she needs to stop bringing it up and let it go, you're not friends anymore, so drop it, adn the only thign she's doign is harasing you, which can be settled in court if she wants to take it there (tell her that, it should make her think it over). Tell her the only real horrible friend was her because if she was a true friend she would have come and talk to you instead of blow things up. And the only liar is her for spreading more rumors when her "other" friends started the first ones. So she's made herself the bad guy, not you. Try ending it, and if she doesnt then everyone will know who's the real horrible person here is Jen. You've dropped it, so if she cant then shes just a pathetic person lookign for attention.
things will get better, just hang in there and stick with you're true friends
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well i tink ur mom is right..
i had d same scenario once..i know it sucks..well..if u show them that u really don't care them maybe they would stop..for me i just ignore them n made new fiends..i guess i got 20% more friends then b4..
n if 'jen' believe d others then i tink she's not ur friend..
usually tiz scenario happens alot my sista..
she would track down d main person n try to talk to the person bout it..n if d person hav a freaking problem bout admitting what she have done then my sis would slap tat %26amp;*^$#
but thats not a gud idea huh?
try reasonabling with d main person..
but that my sis plan..mine is..
u could talk it out eith that jen girl..
like before d lie started spreading did you two had any problem..i tink not..
soo you guys should talk things out..then ..if she's ur fren..then she would believe u..friends are more important than some stupid lies..
hmm..try making new friends..
if you have trouble like..they ppl have a problem with d lie..then you could tell them to give you a chance..if by a week there was no problem with ur friendship then i think you could make new n more better friends..
hope tiz works out 4 u..
; )
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