My gf is out of town on an internship. Recently I found she'd been getting flirty texts from a co-worker. When I confronted her, she said that she said they were just friends and that I was hers and she wouldn't cheat on me. But now he's updated his Myspace with their pic together and put her at the top of his friend list. (I don't want to mention I know this because she might think I'm spying on her.) She's been growing more distant than usual... calling and texting me less... even though she says she's "told him all about me," "they're just friends," she's "coming home to me" and does say she misses and loves me. I get the nagging feeling she's having a fling and I can't shake that feeling in the pit of my stomach. My imagination is running wild with images of them together. Am I being unreasonable? How I can continue to confront her about it without sounding obsessed? Should I suggest that this guy be my friend too? How should I not let it bother me so much?
Is my girlfriend cheating on me with her "guyfriend"? Should I be jealous?
guys and girls can't be "just friends" without any sexual tension. the only way they can be "just friends" is if he's already nailed her. bad news dude. word of advice, split. leave her and watch her feel like crap for what she did. she's already emotionally away from you anyway so take the next step and physically leave her.
Is my girlfriend cheating on me with her "guyfriend"? Should I be jealous?
dude you know what you dont need girl like that! you think there so nice and the next thing you know on an ellis island school field trip there talking about you behind your back! your always so nice to them and the next thing you know they are b itches pure nasty rude b itches! find a new girl, one who likes you and would never don anything to hurt you!
Is my girlfriend cheating on me with her "guyfriend"? Should I be jealous?
although she has a good excuse to be there (work) something sounds fishy. I'd tell her you plan on visiting, except give her as minimal notice as possible, and see how she reacts. If she is cold and wants her space tell her how you feel. Long distance relationships arent easy. i wouldnt mention the myspace photo because that is just wierd, and if you bring up the co-worker she is going to take his side. Deal with your relationship, mainly how she isnt calling as much, if she brings up the co-worker tell her you feel uncomfortable about it even though you trust her. i wouldnt be friends with this guy for no reason, and if he says he's your friend it wont stop him from flirting with your gf. You arent being unreasonable but if she isnt doing anything sneaky, any accusation you make of her will piss her off and turn against you.
Is my girlfriend cheating on me with her "guyfriend"? Should I be jealous?
Well if i were you i would install a monitoring application on her pc then you would know for sure, you can read her emails, chats, and myspace messages, If you want to find out someone's password you can use a keylogger or PC monitor, what you do is install it on a target pc and it goes into stealth mode and noone can see it...then program will log all websites, and usernames and passwords that anyone types on the computer while it is running a good one that i use is KeyProwler ( right not they give away a beta version that is 100% free! It works in internet explorer and firefox!! I use it for my kids all the time, its great
Is my girlfriend cheating on me with her "guyfriend"? Should I be jealous?
Girls and guys can be friends, but there's always at least a little sexual tension there. If she's getting more distant from you, two things are likely: you're driving her away with this distrust or she is cheating on you. The best thing to do is to confront her about how you feel. Don't accuse her of cheating unless you have some kind of proof. If she gives the attitude of caring less, then dump her and go be a swinging dick for a while.
Is my girlfriend cheating on me with her "guyfriend"? Should I be jealous?
My problem is very similar. My gf is very flirtatious around one of her friends and it bothers me so much. I'm also trying to figure out what to do cause I'm losing my mind over her. I love her so much.
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