I'm 21 and I am crushing on a co-worker of mines. He's cute, funny, intelligent, but young. We flirt constantly, but I don't know if he's serious. I feel i'm too old to not know this answer, but for the first time I feel something special btw me and him. I find myself staying long ours at work just to see him. We sent cute messages over Myspace and I think about him to go to sleep. Please, just tell me am I crazy or is this puppy love?
How do you know when a male is interested in you (females)?
The only way you'll truly know if he's interested is if you spend time together. If you two don't share any quality time you won't know whether it's an infatuation or the real thing. It takes time to get to know people and to figure out if something serious could develop, or a special relationship. What ever you do take it slow..dont' rush into anything. Don't read more into this than it really is...Take time to get to know the young man. But be cautious when dating someone at work..I've heard of disaster stories of people who work together and date. I'm not trying to discourage you, but you have to be careful mixing work and play. Be in Courage..In Jesus name.
How do you know when a male is interested in you (females)?
you're infatuated with him. draw back and see what happens.
How do you know when a male is interested in you (females)?
invite him to lunch
How do you know when a male is interested in you (females)?
I think it's all in "playful fun" for him....just flirting. If it was MORE than that, he would ask you out. You COULD ask him out though, and see what he says, but just don't get crushed in case he says no. Good Luck!!
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