Sunday, December 6, 2009

Need advice..will give 10 points for best answer!!?

My ex girlfriend and I recently started talking again, she apologized to me for being so rude during the time we were apart and she said her head wasnt in the right place. She asked me to go out with her again but i told her i couldnt right now because i want to prove to myself i dont depend on her for my happiness. We maintained a friendship but she gets really jealous if i talk about people im dating or even that i have male co workers...I get jealous to if i see flirtatious comments on her myspace. I dont know what to do both of us had said we love eachother alot and now isnt the time, but we both want eachother so badly......Me telling her to start fresh and not talk aboutour feelings so much cuz we were moving too fast upset her now she barely talks to me at all... what should we do about our situation i want her in my life and i want her to be open and honest with me as well ( she is afraid to get hurt and she doesnt know how to handle someone serious like me)

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It's all or nothing. If you both can't give 100% to the relationship than it's not right or someone's not ready.

And if that's the case, end the friendship because it's not healthy for you to have these feelings if your not able to be with her and give it your all.

and maybe one day you can friends after you've loved and lost again, but not until that happens.

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Just get over with it and get a new one.

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Hi there,

I have just gone through this exactly and I was in your position. Know what? You can't change the past, so don't even try. My advice is to make peace with it and put it aside and keep it in the past.

Good luck!

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I was in a relationship like that with my ex boyfriend. And I just realized that we weren't made for each other. We loved each other so much, but he was also very mean to me. And I realized that I just had to let him go. It killed me, but it was for the better. I just think that you need to ask her if she ready to be in a committed long term relationship with you. And that you can't have the breaking up all the time. And if she can't do that then you have to realize that maybe you two aren't right for each other, and maintaining a friendship with someone you love is basically impossible. Trust me, I've been there done that. It doesn't work. So just figure out whether you want to be together, or maybe you just need to let her go and find someone else. Someone that will make you happy. And move on. Sometimes that's the best thing you can do for yourself.

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Take her out one fine day, talk to her about your feelings..and persona....ask her to adjust with you sometimes..have a mutual understanding,.ask her to be truthful to you..and you too...look in to her eyes and ask her to swear for not hiding anything and you swear it too..coz you ppl. dont need anybody in your ..stand honest to relaxed and talk to her in a matured will take sometime to get alrite....this is the right talk...go soon..dont miss the've got...

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take a deep breather and calm down. then think about all the pros and cons having another relationship with her would have. do the same thing with having her as a friend. you'll be able to make your own decision after that.

good luck. :)

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if you two have feelings for each other, why are you trying to stop any chance of a relationship?? it seems to be mutual and she's sincere about it, why don't you want it? you say it's not the right time now,, that you want to prove to yourself that you are not depending on her, you don't need proof of that, you just need to know that in your head and heart.. when you were apart, i'm sure you were not depending on her, having feelings for someone doesn't mean you're dependant on them... your feelings seem so strong, so i suggest not to stop mentioning them, even if you're not together it's okay to say how you feel and it's okay she tells you how she feels too... everybody has feelings, and the beauty of it is when we express them...

don't fight it, you will soon regret it... and about the right time, when will it ever be the right time?? maybe when you prove to yourself that you are not dependant on her, she wouldn't believe your confession of love, maybe then she would be tired of chasing you, she'd think you only want her to chase you and that would hurt her, and she'd turn away... there's no better time than the present. cuz yesterday is gone, and tomorrow is unknown!

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Hello Flame,

Jelousy still after relationshipo has brtoken is going to not get the relationship back... I would recommend that you and your ex just go as best friends you can still care for each other but know that you dont need to bicker about jelous things



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This is one of those times where the old saying "If you love something let it go and if it comes back you will know" comes into play. I have been there in your shoes and I wanted her back sooooo much and I thought it would be great with her again the next time. The next time came and we were good for a while and then I knew that it was not meant to be because she was still the annoying person that I loved to hate and to her I was the annoying person that she hate to love. So we decided then to just be friends. We now have a great friendship because we know each other so well we make good friends but lovers we just can't do it. So check yourself out and ask questions of Why you like her and What happened that you all broke up?

FRIENDS are important.

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There are ups and downs in any relationship, be it with the same or opposite sex. Its seems to me that you are not being honest to yourself. If you think you used to be happier with her than with the male genre (assuming you haven't find the right guy that tickles your heart), then go for it. Just don't close your door to a normal male-female relationship coz time is too short. Think of your future girl, theres more happiness in being a mother to your children than sticking it out as unisex.

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